hacking Featured Hack The Box write up for Tabby Tabby [https://www.hackthebox.eu/home/machines/profile/259] is a box on Hackthebox.eu. It was a ton of fun and I learned a lot about Tomcat and LXD. This box was hard for me because I'm a novice. I ended up needing help from the HackTheBox
hacking Featured Hack The Box write up for Remote This is my guide to hacking the remote [https://www.hackthebox.eu/home/machines/profile/234] box over at Hack The Box [http://hackthebox.edu]. Getting the user flag was very time consuming. There were a lot of little steps that need to all go right. Getting root was above
hacking Featured Hack the Box write up for Devel I've been doing some ethical hacking lately. This is my first writeup for one of the computers I hacked into (legally.) The machine I compromised is called Devel [https://www.hackthebox.eu/home/machines/profile/3] on Hackthebox.eu [http://hackthebox.edu]. I'm a beginner when
hacking Featured Hack The Box write up for Traceback This was a great box! This article is my guide for hacking traceback, one of the retired machines at HackTheBox.eu [http://hackthebox.eu]. This is my first hacking guide, so hopefully i'm doing this correctly. I enjoyed this box. It was right at my skill level and
Stunning sunset in downtown Austin, TX I took this photo from my balcony. I used my iPhone XS (which takes pretty great photos.)
big numbers Featured The Infinite Monkey Theorem The infinite monkey theorem is a bar [http://www.theinfinitemonkeytheorem.com/] in Austin, TX, but it is also a very cool mathematical theorem that deals with very big numbers. This article is about the theorem which has become very popular in recent times. The theorem as I understand it is
odd 1+2+3+4+... = -1/12 This is a remarkable and hard to believe consequence in mathematics. If you were to sum the natural numbers all the way to infinity, you would get \(-\frac{1}{12}\). $$ 1+2+3+4+5+6... = -\frac{1}{12} $$ This is just insane. It makes no sense that
math Featured Graham's number - big numbers blow my mind! One of the most famous big numbers in mathematics is Graham's number. For a while it was the largest number ever used in a legit mathematical proof. That isn't the case anymore but it is still a legend. The number is the upper bound to a
math The longest finite time ever calculated by a physicist I've written quite a bit on big numbers [https://josh.kerr.dev/tag/big-numbers/] because I find them fascinating. Two of the areas where you find interesting big numbers are astronomy and cosmology. For example the observable universe is thought to be 93 billion light years across (That&
math The Ackermann function explained The Ackermann function is a recursive function originally invented by Wilhelm Ackermann [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Ackermann]. It is one of a series of mathematical functions that quickly generates enormous numbers. If you haven't read my article on Knuth's up arrow notation [http://www.
math Knuth's up arrow notation explained When we talk about large numbers, we are talking about numbers that are bigger than what we use in our ordinary day to day life. These are numbers typically used by mathematicians in fields such as cosmology, cryptography and statistical mechanics. Since big numbers have a lot of digits, it
math How big is googol? Googol is a big number. The search engine was famously named after it. There are several ways that we can think about Googol. Written with exponents, the number can be represented like so: $$ 10^{100} $$ If you expand it out you would write a 1 followed by 100 zeros: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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